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Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Archaeology
Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Archaeology
Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Cultural Determinants Of Health
Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Cultural History
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Studies
Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Culture
Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Culture
Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Culture
Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Customary Law
Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Education
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education
Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Education not elsewhere classified
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Environmental Knowledge
Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Environmental Knowledges
Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Environmental Knowledges And Management
Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Epidemiology
Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Ethics
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health
Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Health And Wellbeing
Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Health And Wellbeing not elsewhere classified
Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Health Policy
Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Health Promotion
Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Health Services
Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander History
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander History
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Law
Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Nursing
Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Peoples
Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Peoples And The Law
Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Philosophy
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Policy
Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Public Health And Wellbeing
Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Remote Health
Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Research Methods
Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Social
Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Social Determinants Of Health
Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Social Impact And Program Evaluation
Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Sociological Studies
Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Sociology
Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Ways Of Knowing
Access To Justice
Accounting Theory And Standards
Accounting, Auditing and Accountability not elsewhere classified
Acute Care
Additive Manufacturing
Administrative Law
Administrative Law
Adversarial Machine Learning
Adverse Weather Events
Aerodynamics (excl. Hypersonic Aerodynamics)
Aerospace Engineering
Aerospace Engineering not elsewhere classified
Aerospace Engineering not elsewhere classified
Aerospace Materials
Aerospace Materials
Aerospace Structures
Aerospace Structures
Aged Care Nursing
Aged Care Nursing
Aged Health Care
Aged Health Care
Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences not elsewhere classified
Agricultural Biotechnology
Agricultural Biotechnology not elsewhere classified
Agricultural Biotechnology not elsewhere classified
Agricultural Economics
Agricultural Economics
Agricultural Engineering
Agricultural Engineering
Agricultural Hydrology
Agricultural Hydrology (Drainage, Flooding, Irrigation, Quality, etc.)
Agricultural Land Management
Agricultural Land Management
Agricultural Management Of Nutrients
Agricultural Molecular Engineering Of Nucleic Acids And Proteins
Agricultural Production Systems Simulation
Agricultural Production Systems Simulation
Agricultural Spatial Analysis and Modelling
Agricultural Spatial Analysis And Modelling
Agricultural Systems Analysis And Modelling
Agricultural Systems Analysis and Modelling
Agriculture, Land and Farm Management not elsewhere classified
Agrochemicals And Biocides (incl. Application)
Agro-ecosystem Functionand Prediction
Air Pollution Processes And Air Quality Measurement
Air Transportation And Freight Services
Air Transportation and Freight Services
Aircraft Performance And Flight Control Systems
Allied Health And Rehabilitation Science
Allied Health And Rehabilitation Science not elsewhere classified
Analog Electronics And Interfaces
Analytical Chemistry
Analytical Chemistry not elsewhere classified
Analytical Chemistry not elsewhere classified
Analytical Spectrometry
Animal Behaviour
Animal Behaviour
Animal Growth And Development
Animal Growth and Development
Animal Nutrition
Animal Nutrition
Animal Production
Animal Production not elsewhere classified
Animal Production not elsewhere classified
Animal Reproduction
Animal Reproduction And Breeding
Anthropology not elsewhere classified
Anthropology not elsewhere classified
Applications In Health
Applications In Physical Sciences
Applications In Social Sciences And Education
Applied And Developmental Psychology
Applied And Developmental Psychology not elsewhere classified
Applied Computing
Applied Economics
Applied Economics not elsewhere classified
Applied Economics not elsewhere classified
Applied Ethics
Applied Ethics not elsewhere classified
Applied Ethics not elsewhere classified
Applied Linguistics and Educational Linguistics
Applied Linguistics And Educational Linguistics
Applied Mathematics
Applied Mathematics not elsewhere classified
Applied Mathematics not elsewhere classified
Applied Sociology
Applied Sociology, Program Evaluation and Social Impact Assessment
Applied Statistics
Applied Statistics
Applied Theatre
Archaeological Science
Archaeological Science
Archaeology not elsewhere classified
Archaeology not elsewhere classified
Archaeology Of Asia
Archaeology Of Australia (excl. Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander)
Archaeology of Australia (excl. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander)
Archaeology Of Europe
Archaeology of New Guinea and Pacific Islands (excl. New Zealand)
Archaeology Of New Guinea And Pacific Islands (excl. New Zealand)
Architectural Design
Architectural Design
Architecture not elsewhere classified
Architecture not elsewhere classified
Art Criticism
Art History
Art History
Art History
Art Theory
Art Theory
Art Theory and Criticism not elsewhere classified
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence and Image Processing not elsewhere classified
Artificial Intelligence not elsewhere classified
Artificial Life And Complex Adaptive Systems
Arts And Cultural Policy
Asian Cultural Studies
Asian History
Asian History
Astronomical and Space Instrumentation
Astronomical and Space Sciences not elsewhere classified
Astronomical Instrumentation
Astronomical Sciences
Astronomical Sciences not elsewhere classified
Atmospheric Aerosols
Atmospheric Composition
Atmospheric Dynamics
Atmospheric Dynamics
Atmospheric Radiation
Atmospheric Radiation
Atmospheric Sciences
Atmospheric Sciences not elsewhere classified
Atmospheric Sciences not elsewhere classified
Atomic And Molecular Physics
Auditing and Accountability
Auditing And Accountability
Australian Government And Politics
Australian History
Australian History (excl. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander History)
Australian Literature (excl. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Literature)
Australian Literature (excl. Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Literature)
Automation and Control Engineering
Automation And Technology In Building And Construction
Automation Engineering
Automotive Combustion And Fuel Engineering
Automotive Combustion and Fuel Engineering (incl. Alternative/Renewable Fuels)
Automotive Engineering
Automotive Engineering Materials
Automotive Engineering Materials
Automotive Engineering not elsewhere classified
Automotive Engineering not elsewhere classified
Automotive Mechatronics
Automotive Mechatronics And Autonomous Systems
Autonomous Agents And Multiagent Systems
Autonomous Vehicle Systems
Autonomous Vehicles
Banking, Finance and Investment not elsewhere classified
Basic Pharmacology
Basic Pharmacology
Behavioural Ecology
Behavioural Economics
Behavioural Epidemiology
Behavioural Neuroscience
Biochemistry And Cell Biology
Biochemistry And Cell Biology not elsewhere classified
Biochemistry and Cell Biology not elsewhere classified
Bioinformatics And Computational Biology
Bioinorganic Chemistry
Biological (Physical) Anthropology
Biological Physics
Biological Psychology
Biological Sciences not elsewhere classified
Biologically Active Molecules
Biomechanical Engineering
Biomechanical Engineering
Biomedical Engineering
Biomedical Engineering not elsewhere classified
Biomedical Engineering not elsewhere classified
Biomedical Imaging
Biomedical Instrumentation
Biosecurity Science And Invasive Species Ecology
Book History
British And Irish Literature
British History
Building Construction Management And Project Planning
Building Construction Management and Project Planning
Building Industry Studies
Building Information Modelling And Management
Building not elsewhere classified
Building not elsewhere classified
Building Organisational Studies
Building Science
Building Science and Techniques
Built Environment and Design not elsewhere classified
Business and Management
Business and Management not elsewhere classified
Business Information Systems
Business Information Systems
Business Process Management
Business Systems In Context
Business Systems In Context not elsewhere classified
Cad/Cam Systems
CAD/CAM Systems
Calculus Of Variations
Calculus of Variations, Systems Theory and Control Theory
Cancer Cell Biology
Cancer Genetics
Cancer Therapy (excl. Chemotherapy And Radiation Therapy)
Carbon Capture Engineering (excl. Sequestration)
Carbon Sequestration Science
Cardiology (incl. Cardiovascular Diseases)
Cardiovascular Medicine And Haematology
Cardiovascular Medicine And Haematology not elsewhere classified
Care for Disabled
Cartography And Digital Mapping
Catalysis And Mechanisms Of Reactions
Catalytic Process Engineering
Causes and Prevention of Crime
Causes And Prevention Of Crime
Cell Development
Cell Metabolism
Cellular Immunology
Cellular Interactions (incl. Adhesion
Central Nervous System
Characterisation Of Biological Macromolecules
Characterisation of Biological Macromolecules
Chemical And Thermal Processes In Energy And Combustion
Chemical Engineering
Chemical Engineering Design
Chemical Engineering not elsewhere classified
Chemical Engineering not elsewhere classified
Child And Adolescent Development
Childrens Literature
Chinese Languages
Chinese Languages
Christian Studies
Cinema Studies
Cinema Studies
Civil Engineering
Civil Engineering not elsewhere classified
Civil Engineering not elsewhere classified
Civil Geotechnical Engineering
Civil Geotechnical Engineering
Classical Physics
Classical Physics not elsewhere classified
Classical Physics not elsewhere classified
Climate Change Impacts And Adaptation
Climate Change Impacts And Adaptation not elsewhere classified
Climate Change Law
Climate Change Processes
Climate Change Processes
Climate Change Science
Climate Change Science not elsewhere classified
Climatology (excl.Climate Change Processes)
Clinical And Health Psychology
Clinical And Health Psychology not elsewhere classified
Clinical and Sports Nutrition
Clinical Chemistry (incl. Diagnostics)
Clinical Midwifery
Clinical Neuropsychology
Clinical Nursing: Primary (Preventative)
Clinical Nursing: Secondary (Acute Care)
Clinical Nursing: Tertiary (Rehabilitative)
Clinical Psychology
Clinical Sciences
Clinical Sciences not elsewhere classified
Clinical Sciences not elsewhere classified
Clinical Social Work Practice
Cloud Computing
Cloud Physics
Cognitive And Computational Psychology
Cognitive And Computational Psychology not elsewhere classified
Cognitive Neuroscience
Cognitive Science not elsewhere classified
Commerce, Management, Tourism and Services not elsewhere classified
Commercial and Contract Law
Commercial Law
Commercial Services
Commercial Services not elsewhere classified
Communication And Media Studies
Communication And Media Studies not elsewhere classified
Communication and Media Studies not elsewhere classified
Communication Studies
Communication Studies
Communication Technology And Digital Media Studies
Communication Technology and Digital Media Studies
Communications Engineering
Communications Engineering not elsewhere classified
Communications Technologies not elsewhere classified
Community And Primary Care
Community Child Health
Community Ecology (excl. Invasive Species Ecology)
Community Ecology(excl. Invasive Species Ecology)
Community Psychology
Comparative and Cross-Cultural Education
Comparative And Cross-Cultural Education
Comparative Government And Politics
Comparative Law
Comparative Law
Comparative Religious Studies
Comparative Religious Studies
Complex Civil Systems
Composite And Hybrid Materials
Composite and Hybrid Materials
Compound Semiconductors
Compound Semiconductors
Computational Chemistry
Computational Fluid Dynamics
Computational Imaging
Computational Linguistics
Computational Linguistics
Computational Methods In Fluid Flow
Computational Modelling And Simulation In Earth Sciences
Computer Aided Design
Computer Communications Networks
Computer Gaming and Animation
Computer Gaming And Animation
Computer Graphics
Computer Perception, Memory and Attention
Computer Software not elsewhere classified
Computer System Security
Computer Vision
Computer Vision
Computer Vision And Multimedia Computation
Concurrent/Parallel Systems And Technologies
Condensed Matter Characterisation Technique Development
Condensed Matter Characterisation Technique Development
Condensed Matter Imaging
Condensed Matter Imaging
Condensed Matter Modelling And Density Functional Theory
Condensed Matter Physics
Conflict Of Laws (incl. Private International Law)
Conflict of Laws (Private International Law)
Conservation and Biodiversity
Conservation And Biodiversity
Conservation Of Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Heritage
Constitutional Law
Constitutional Law
Construction Engineering
Construction Engineering
Construction Materials
Construction Materials
Consumer Behaviour
Consumer-Oriented Product Or Service Development
Consumption and Everyday Life
Consumption And Everyday Life
Contaminant Hydrology
Context Learning
Continuing And Community Education
Continuing and Community Education
Contract Law
Control Engineering
Control Engineering
Control Engineering
Control Systems, Robotics and Automation
Corporate Governance
Corporate Governance and Stakeholder Engagement
Corporate Social Responsibility
Corporations and Associations Law
Corporations And Associations Law
Corpus Linguistics
Correctional Theory
Correctional Theory, Offender Treatment and Rehabilitation
Cosmology and Extragalactic Astronomy
Cosmology And Extragalactic Astronomy
Counselling Psychology
Counselling, Welfare and Community Services
Courts And Sentencing
Creative And Professional Writing
Creative And Professional Writing not elsewhere classified
Creative Arts
Creative Arts, Media and Communication Curriculum and Pedagogy
Creative Writing (incl. Playwriting)
Creative Writing (incl. Scriptwriting)
Crime And Social Justice
Criminal Law
Criminal Law and Procedure
Criminal Procedure
Criminological Theories
Criminology not elsewhere classified
Criminology not elsewhere classified
Crop And Pasture Biochemistry And Physiology
Crop and Pasture Biochemistry and Physiology
Crop And Pasture Improvement (incl. Selection And Breeding)
Crop and Pasture Improvement (Selection and Breeding)
Crop and Pasture Nutrition
Crop And Pasture Nutrition
Crop And Pasture Post Harvest Technologies (incl. Transportation And Storage)
Crop And Pasture Production
Crop And Pasture Production not elsewhere classified
Crop and Pasture Production not elsewhere classified
Crop And Pasture Protection (incl. Pests
Crop and Pasture Protection (Pests, Diseases and Weeds)
Cross-Sectional Analysis
Cultural And Creative Industries
Cultural Geography
Cultural Studies
Cultural Studies not elsewhere classified
Cultural Studies not elsewhere classified
Cultural Studies Of Agriculture
Cultural Studies Of Nation And Region
Cultural Theory
Cultural Theory
Culture, Gender, Sexuality
Curatorial and Related Studies not elsewhere classified
Curriculum And Pedagogy
Curriculum And Pedagogy not elsewhere classified
Curriculum and Pedagogy not elsewhere classified
Curriculum and Pedagogy Theory and Development
Curriculum And Pedagogy Theory And Development
Cyberphysical Systems And Internet Of Things
Cybersecurity And Privacy
Cybersecurity And Privacy not elsewhere classified
Dance And Dance Studies
Data And Information Privacy
Data Communications
Data Engineering And Data Science
Data Format not elsewhere classified
Data Management And Data Science
Data Management And Data Science not elsewhere classified
Data Mining And Knowledge Discovery
Data Models
Data Security And Protection
Database Systems
Decision Making
Decision Making
Decision Support and Group Support Systems
Decision Support And Group Support Systems
Deep Learning
Defence Studies
Defence Studies
Demography not elsewhere classified
Demography not elsewhere classified
Design not elsewhere classified
Design Practice and Management not elsewhere classified
Development Cooperation
Development Studies
Development Studies not elsewhere classified
Developmental Psychology and Ageing
Digital And Electronic Media Art
Digital Electronic Devices
Digital Health
Digital Heritage
Digital History
Digital Literature
Disaster And Emergency Management
Disease Surveillance
Distributed Computing And Systems Software
Distributed Computing And Systems Software not elsewhere classified
Distributed Computing not elsewhere classified
Distributed Systems And Algorithms
Dynamical Systems In Applications
Dynamics, Vibration and Vibration Control
Early Childhood Education
Early Childhood Education (excl. Maori)
Earth And Space Science Informatics
Earth Sciences not elsewhere classified
Earthquake Engineering
Ecological Applications
Ecological Applications not elsewhere classified
Ecological Applications not elsewhere classified
Ecological Impacts of Climate Change
Ecological Impacts Of Climate Change And Ecological Adaptation
Ecology not elsewhere classified
Ecology not elsewhere classified
Econometric And Statistical Methods
Econometrics not elsewhere classified
Econometrics not elsewhere classified
Economic Development and Growth
Economic Development Policy
Economic Development Policy
Economic Geography
Economic Geography
Economic Theory
Economic Theory not elsewhere classified
Economic Theory not elsewhere classified
Economics not elsewhere classified
Economics of Education
Economics Of Education
Economics, Business and Management Curriculum and Pedagogy
Ecosystem Function
Ecosystem Services (incl. Pollination)
Education Assessment And Evaluation
Education Assessment and Evaluation
Education not elsewhere classified
Education Policy
Education Policy
Education Policy
Education Policy
Education Systems
Education Systems not elsewhere classified
Education systems not elsewhere classified
Educational Administration
Educational Administration, Management and Leadership
Educational Counselling
Educational Counselling
Educational Psychology
Educational Psychology
Educational Technology and Computing
Educational Technology And Computing
Electrical and Electronic Engineering not elsewhere classified
Electrical Energy Generation (incl. Renewables
Electrical Energy Storage
Electrical Engineering
Electrical Engineering not elsewhere classified
Electroanalytical Chemistry
Electroanalytical Chemistry
Electrochemical Energy Storage And Conversion
Electronic and Magnetic Properties of Condensed Matter; Superconductivity
Electronic And Magnetic Properties Of Condensed Matter; Superconductivity
Electronic Device And System Performance Evaluation
Electronic Instrumentation
Electronic Sensors
Electrostatics and Electrodynamics
Electrostatics And Electrodynamics
Elemental Semiconductors
Elemental Semiconductors
Energy Generation
Energy Generation, Conversion and Storage Engineering
Energy-Efficient Computing
Engineering Design
Engineering Design not elsewhere classified
Engineering Education
Engineering Instrumentation
Engineering not elsewhere classified
Engineering Practice
Engineering Practice And Education
Engineering Practice And Education not elsewhere classified
English And Literacy Curriculum And Pedagogy (excl. Lote
English and Literacy Curriculum and Pedagogy (excl. LOTE, ESL and TESOL)
English as a Second Language
English As A Second Language
Entertainment And Gaming
Environment And Climate Finance
Environment And Culture
Environment And Resource Economics
Environment and Resource Economics
Environmental and Natural Resources Law
Environmental And Resources Law
Environmental Anthropology
Environmental Assessment And Monitoring
Environmental Biogeochemistry
Environmental Biotechnology
Environmental Crime
Environmental Education And Extension
Environmental Education and Extension
Environmental Education Curriculum And Pedagogy
Environmental Engineering
Environmental Engineering Design
Environmental Engineering Modelling
Environmental Engineering not elsewhere classified
Environmental Engineering not elsewhere classified
Environmental Law
Environmental Management
Environmental Management
Environmental Management
Environmental Management not elsewhere classified
Environmental Monitoring
Environmental Nanotechnology
Environmental Nanotechnology And Nanometrology
Environmental Philosophy
Environmental Politics
Environmental Politics
Environmental Rehabilitation (excl. Bioremediation)
Environmental Rehabilitation And Restoration
Environmental Science and Management not elsewhere classified
Environmental Sciences not elsewhere classified
Environmental Sociology
Environmental Technologies
Environmentally Sustainable Engineering
Epidemiological Methods
Epidemiological Modelling
Epidemiology not elsewhere classified
Equity And Trusts Law
European History (excl. British
European History (excl. British, Classical Greek and Roman)
European Union Law
Evolutionary Biology
Evolutionary Biology not elsewhere classified
Evolutionary Biology not elsewhere classified
Evolutionary Computation
Exercise Physiology
Exercise Physiology
Experimental Methods In Fluid Flow
Expert Systems
Family And Household Studies
Farm Management
Farm Management, Rural Management and Agribusiness
Farming Systems Research
Feminist And Queer Theory
Feminist Methodologies
Feminist Theory
Fertilisers (incl. Application)
Fertilisers and Agrochemicals (incl. Application)
Field Robotics
Film and Television
Film, Television and Digital Media not elsewhere classified
Financial Accounting
Financial Econometrics
Financial Economics
Financial Economics
Financial Institutions (incl. Banking)
Financial Mathematics
Financial Mathematics
Fine Arts
Fine Arts (incl. Sculpture and Painting)
Fire Ecology
Fire Safety Engineering
Flexible Manufacturing Systems
Flight Dynamics
Fluid Mechanics And Thermal Engineering
Fluid Mechanics And Thermal Engineering not elsewhere classified
Fluid-Structure Interaction And Aeroacoustics
Food Chemistry And Food Sensory Science
Food Engineering
Food Nutritional Balance
Food Packaging
Food Properties (incl. Characteristics And Health Benefits)
Food Sciences
Food Sustainability
Food Technology
Forensic Psychology
Forestry Sciences
Forestry Sciences not elsewhere classified
Forestry Sciences not elsewhere classified
Freshwater Ecology
Functional Materials
Functional Materials
Fundamental And Theoretical Fluid Dynamics
Fuzzy Computation
Galactic Astronomy
Galactic Astronomy
Gender And Crime
Gender And Politics
Gender History
Gender Relations
Gender Specific Studies
Gender Studies
Gender Studies not elsewhere classified
Gender, Sexuality and Education
Gene Expression (incl. Microarray and other genome-wide approaches)
Gene Expression (incl. Microarray And Other Genome-Wide Approaches)
Gene Mapping
General Practice
Genetic Immunology
Genetic Immunology
Genetically Modified Field Crops And Pasture
Genetics not elsewhere classified
Geochemistry not elsewhere classified
Geochemistry not elsewhere classified
Geomatic Engineering
Geomatic Engineering not elsewhere classified
Geomatic Engineering not elsewhere classified
Geomechanics and Resources Geotechnical Engineering
Geomechanics And Resources Geotechnical Engineering
Geophysics not elsewhere classified
Geophysics not elsewhere classified
Geoscience Data Visualisation
Geospatial Information Systems
Geospatial Information Systems And Geospatial Data Modelling
Geriatrics and Gerontology
Geriatrics And Gerontology
Global And Planetary Environmental Engineering
Global And World History
Global Change Biology
Globalisation And Culture
Government And Politics Of Asia And The Pacific
Greenhouse Gas Inventories And Fluxes
Groundwater Hydrology
Health And Community Services
Health and Community Services
Health Care Administration
Health Counselling
Health Counselling
Health Economics
Health Economics
Health Equity
Health Geography
Health Informatics
Health Informatics And Information Systems
Health Information Systems (incl. Surveillance)
Health Management
Health Policy
Health Promotion
Health Promotion
Health Psychology
Health Services And Systems
Health Services And Systems not elsewhere classified
Health Surveillance
Health Systems
Health, Clinical and Counselling Psychology
Heritage And Cultural Conservation
Heritage and Cultural Conservation
Heritage Collections And Interpretations
Hermeneutic and Critical Theory
High Energy Astrophysics And Galactic Cosmic Rays
High Energy Astrophysics; Cosmic Rays
High Performance Computing
Higher Education
Higher Education
Historical Archaeology (incl. Industrial Archaeology)
Historical Archaeology (incl. Industrial Archaeology)
Historical Studies
Historical Studies not elsewhere classified
Historical Studies not elsewhere classified
Histories Of Race
History and Archaeology not elsewhere classified
History And Philosophy Of Education
History and Philosophy of Law and Justice
History And Philosophy Of Law And Justice
History And Philosophy Of Science
History And Philosophy Of Specific Fields
History And Philosophy Of The Social Sciences
History and Philosophy of the Social Sciences
History And Theory Of The Built Environment (excl. Architecture)
History Of Empires
Horticultural Crop Growth And Development
Horticultural Crop Growth and Development
Horticultural Crop Protection (incl. Pests
Horticultural Production
Horticultural Production not elsewhere classified
Horticultural Production not elsewhere classified
Hospitality Management
Host-Parasite Interactions
Housing Markets
Housing Markets, Development, Management
Housing Policy
Human Geography
Human Geography not elsewhere classified
Human Geography not elsewhere classified
Human Impacts Of Climate Change And Human Adaptation
Human Information Behaviour
Human Information Behaviour
Human Movement and Sports Science not elsewhere classified
Human Resources And Industrial Relations
Human Resources Management
Human Resources Management
Human Rights Law
Human-Centred Computing
Humanitarian Disasters
Humanities And Social Sciences Curriculum And Pedagogy (excl. Economics
Humanities and Social Sciences Curriculum and Pedagogy (excl. Economics, Business and Management)
Hypersonic Propulsion And Hypersonic Aerothermodynamics
Image Processing
Image Processing
Immunology not elsewhere classified
Immunology not elsewhere classified
Impacts Of Tourism
Implementation Science And Evaluation
Inclusive Education
Industrial and Organisational Psychology
Industrial And Organisational Psychology (incl. Human Factors)
Industrial Biotechnology
Industrial Electronics
Industrial Electronics
Industrial Engineering
Industrial Marketing
Industry Economics And Industrial Organisation
Industry Economics and Industrial Organisation
Infant And Child Health
Infectious Agents
Infectious Agents
Information and Computing Sciences not elsewhere classified
Information Retrieval And Web Search
Information Security Management
Information Systems
Information Systems Development Methodologies
Information Systems Development Methodologies And Practice
Information Systems For Sustainable Development And The Public Good
Information Systems Management
Information Systems not elsewhere classified
Information Systems not elsewhere classified
Information Systems Organisation
Information Systems Organisation And Management
Infrastructure Engineering and Asset Management
Infrastructure Engineering And Asset Management
Injury Prevention
Innovation and Technology Management
Innovation Management
Inorganic Chemistry
Inorganic Chemistry not elsewhere classified
Inorganic Geochemistry
Inorganic Geochemistry
Inorganic Green Chemistry
Inorganic Materials (incl. Nanomaterials)
Insurance Studies
Intelligent Mobility
Intelligent Robotics
Interactive Media
Interactive Narrative
Interdisciplinary Engineering not elsewhere classified
International Accounting
International And Comparative Law
International And Comparative Law not elsewhere classified
International Business
International Business
International Criminal Law
International Economics
International Economics and International Finance
International Finance
International History
International Humanitarian And Human Rights Law
International Relations
International Relations
International Trade And Investment Law
International Trade Law
Intersectional Studies
Invasive Species Ecology
Investment and Risk Management
Investment And Risk Management
Japanese Language
Japanese Language
Journalism and Professional Writing not elsewhere classified
Journalism Studies
Knowledge And Information Management
Knowledge Representation And Reasoning
Labour Economics
Labour Economics
Land Capability And Soil Productivity
Land Use And Environmental Planning
Landscape Ecology
Landscape Ecology
Language in Culture and Society (Sociolinguistics)
Language in Time and Space (incl. Historical Linguistics, Dialectology)
Language Studies
Language Studies
Language Studies not elsewhere classified
Language Studies not elsewhere classified
Language, Communication and Culture
Language, Communication and Culture not elsewhere classified
Large And Complex Data Theory
Lasers And Quantum Electronics
Law And Humanities
Law and Legal Studies not elsewhere classified
Law And Religion
Law and Society
Law And Society And Socio-Legal Research
Law In Context
Law not elsewhere classified
Law Reform
Learning Analytics
Learning Sciences
Learning Sciences
Legal Education
Legal Ethics
Legal Institutions (incl. Courts And Justice Systems)
Legal Practice, Lawyering and the Legal Profession
Legal Systems
Legal Theory
Legal Theory, Jurisprudence and Legal Interpretation
Lens-based Practice
Library And Information Studies
Library And Information Studies not elsewhere classified
Library and Information Studies not elsewhere classified
Library Studies
Life Cycle Assessment And Industrial Ecology
Life Histories
Linguistic Structures (incl. Grammar, Phonology, Lexicon, Semantics)
Linguistic Structures (incl. Phonology
Linguistics not elsewhere classified
Linguistics not elsewhere classified
Literary Studies
Literary Studies not elsewhere classified
Literary Studies not elsewhere classified
Literary Theory
Literary Theory
Literature In Chinese
Literature in Chinese
Litigation, Adjudication and Dispute Resolution
Logistics and Supply Chain Management
LOTE, ESL and TESOL Curriculum and Pedagogy (excl. Maori)
Machine Learning
Machine Learning not elsewhere classified
Macroeconomics (incl. Monetary And Fiscal Theory)
Macromolecular And Materials Chemistry
Macromolecular And Materials Chemistry not elsewhere classified
Macromolecular Materials
Main Group Metal Chemistry
Major Global Burdens Of Disease
Management Accounting
Management Accounting
Manufacturing Engineering
Manufacturing Engineering not elsewhere classified
Manufacturing Engineering not elsewhere classified
Manufacturing Management
Manufacturing Processes And Technologies (excl. Textiles)
Manufacturing Processes and Technologies (excl. Textiles)
Manufacturing Robotics
Manufacturing Robotics and Mechatronics (excl. Automotive Mechatronics)
Manufacturing Safety And Quality
Maori Health
Marine Engineering
Maritime Engineering
Marketing Communications
Marketing Communications
Marketing Management (incl. Strategy And Customer Relations)
Marketing Management (incl. Strategy and Customer Relations)
Marketing Measurement
Marketing not elsewhere classified
Marketing not elsewhere classified
Marketing Research Methodology
Marketing Research Methodology
Marketing Technology
Marketing Theory
Marketing Theory
Materials Engineering
Materials Engineering not elsewhere classified
Materials Engineering not elsewhere classified
Mathematical Physics
Mathematical Physics not elsewhere classified
Mathematical Physics not elsewhere classified
Mathematical Sciences not elsewhere classified
Mathematics and Numeracy Curriculum and Pedagogy
Mathematics And Numeracy Curriculum And Pedagogy
Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering Asset Management
Mechanical Engineering not elsewhere classified
Mechanical Engineering not elsewhere classified
Mechatronics Hardware Design And Architecture
Media And Communication Law
Media Industry Studies
Media Studies
Media Studies
Medical And Biological Physics
Medical And Health Law
Medical and Health Sciences not elsewhere classified
Medical Anthropology
Medical Bacteriology
Medical Bacteriology
Medical Biochemistry - Proteins And Peptides (incl. Medical Proteomics)
Medical Biochemistry And Metabolomics
Medical Biotechnology
Medical Biotechnology Diagnostics (incl. Biosensors)
Medical Biotechnology not elsewhere classified
Medical Biotechnology not elsewhere classified
Medical Devices
Medical Ethics
Medical Infection Agents (incl. Prions)
Medical Microbiology
Medical Microbiology not elsewhere classified
Medical Physiology
Medical Physiology not elsewhere classified
Medical Physiology not elsewhere classified
Medical Robotics
Medical Virology
Medicinal And Biomolecular Chemistry
Medicinal and Biomolecular Chemistry not elsewhere classified
Medicine, Nursing and Health Curriculum and Pedagogy
Membrane and Separation Technologies
Memory And Attention
Mental Health
Mental Health Nursing
Mental Health Nursing
Mental Health Services
Microbial Ecology
Microbial Ecology
Microbial Genetics
Microbiology not elsewhere classified
Microbiology not elsewhere classified
Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS)
Microelectromechanical Systems (Mems)
Midwifery not elsewhere classified
Migrant Cultural Studies
Migration History
Mining Engineering
Mining Engineering
Mobile Computing
Modelling And Simulation
Molecular Targets
Motor Control
Motor Control
Multicultural Education (excl. Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander
Multicultural, Intercultural and Cross-cultural Studies
Multiphysics Flows (incl. Multiphase And Reacting Flows)
Museum Studies
Music Cognition
Music Composition
Music Composition And Improvisation
Music Education
Music not elsewhere classified
Music Performance
Music Performance
Music Technology And Recording
Musicology And Ethnomusicology
Musicology and Ethnomusicology
Nanoscale Characterisation
Nanotechnology not elsewhere classified
Natural Language Processing
Natural Language Processing
Natural Resource Management
Natural Resource Management
Navigation And Position Fixing
Navigation and Position Fixing
Nephrology And Urology
Network Engineering
Networking And Communications
Neural Engineering
Neural Networks
Neurology And Neuromuscular Diseases
Neurosciences not elsewhere classified
Neurosciences not elsewhere classified
New Zealand Government And Politics
Non-automotive Combustion and Fuel Engineering (incl. Alternative/Renewable Fuels)
Nonlinear Optics And Spectroscopy
Non-Newtonian Fluid Flows (incl. Rheology)
North American History
Not-For-Profit Accounting And Accountability
Not-For-Profit Business And Management
Not-For-Profit Finance And Risk
Not-For-Profit Marketing
Numerical Analysis
Numerical And Computational Mathematics
Numerical And Computational Mathematics not elsewhere classified
Numerical and Computational Mathematics not elsewhere classified
Numerical Modelling and Mechanical Characterisation
Numerical Modelling And Mechanical Characterisation
Numerical Solution of Differential and Integral Equations
Numerical Solution Of Differential And Integral Equations
Nursing not elsewhere classified
Nursing not elsewhere classified
Nursing Workforce
Nutrition And Dietetics
Nutritional Epidemiology
Nutritional Physiology
Occupational And Workplace Health And Safety
Occupational Therapy
Ocean Engineering
Ocean Law And Governance
Oceanography not elsewhere classified
Oceanography not elsewhere classified
Oenology and Viticulture
Oenology And Viticulture
Oncology And Carcinogenesis
Oncology And Carcinogenesis not elsewhere classified
Oncology and Carcinogenesis not elsewhere classified
One Health
Operations Research
Ophthalmology And Optometry
Ophthalmology And Optometry not elsewhere classified
Ophthalmology and Optometry not elsewhere classified
Optical Physics not elsewhere classified
Optical Properties Of Materials
Optical Technology
Organic And Low Chemical Input Crop Production
Organic Chemical Synthesis
Organic Chemistry
Organic Chemistry not elsewhere classified
Organic Chemistry not elsewhere classified
Organic Green Chemistry
Organic Semiconductors
Organic Semiconductors
Organisation And Management Theory
Organisational Behaviour
Organisational Behaviour
Organisational Planning and Management
Organisational Planning And Management
Organometallic Chemistry
Other Agricultural
Other Agricultural
Other Biological Sciences
Other Biological Sciences not elsewhere classified
Other Biomedical And Clinical Sciences
Other Biomedical And Clinical Sciences not elsewhere classified
Other Built Environment And Design
Other Built Environment And Design not elsewhere classified
Other Chemical Sciences
Other Commerce
Other Commerce
Other Creative Arts And Writing
Other Creative Arts And Writing not elsewhere classified
Other Earth Sciences
Other Earth Sciences not elsewhere classified
Other Economics
Other Economics not elsewhere classified
Other Education
Other Education not elsewhere classified
Other Engineering
Other Engineering not elsewhere classified
Other Environmental Sciences
Other Environmental Sciences not elsewhere classified
Other Health Sciences
Other Health Sciences not elsewhere classified
Other History
Other History
Other Human Society
Other Human Society not elsewhere classified
Other Indigenous Data
Other Indigenous Data
Other Indigenous Studies
Other Information And Computing Sciences
Other Information And Computing Sciences not elsewhere classified
Other Language
Other Language
Other Law And Legal Studies
Other Law And Legal Studies not elsewhere classified
Other Mathematical Sciences
Other Mathematical Sciences not elsewhere classified
Other Physical Sciences
Other Physical Sciences not elsewhere classified
Other Psychology
Other Psychology not elsewhere classified
Pacific Peoples Culture
Pacific Peoples Education
Pacific Peoples Health
Pacific Peoples Social Work And Social Justice
Pacific Peoples Society And Community
Paediatrics and Reproductive Medicine not elsewhere classified
Paediatrics not elsewhere classified
Palliative Care
Panel Data Analysis
Particle And High Energy Physics
Particle Physics
Particle Physics
Passenger Needs
Pathology (excl. Oral Pathology)
Patient Safety
Pattern Recognition
Pattern Recognition and Data Mining
Peace Studies
Pedology And Pedometrics
People With Disability
Performance and Installation Art
Performance Art
Performance Evaluation
Performing Arts
Performing Arts and Creative Writing not elsewhere classified
Performing Arts not elsewhere classified
Personality And Individual Differences
Personality, Abilities and Assessment
Pharmacology And Pharmaceutical Sciences
Pharmacology And Pharmaceutical Sciences not elsewhere classified
Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences not elsewhere classified
Philosophy not elsewhere classified
Philosophy not elsewhere classified
Phonetics And Speech Science
Photodetectors, Optical Sensors and Solar Cells
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
Photogrammetry And Remote Sensing
Photonic And Electro-Optical Devices
Photonics and Electro-Optical Engineering (excl. Communications)
Photovoltaic Devices (Solar Cells)
Photovoltaic Power Systems
Phylogeny And Comparative Analysis
Physical Chemistry
Physical Chemistry not elsewhere classified
Physical Chemistry not elsewhere classified
Physical Education and Development Curriculum and Pedagogy
Physical Education And Development Curriculum And Pedagogy
Physical Geography And Environmental Geoscience
Physical Geography And Environmental Geoscience not elsewhere classified
Physical Geography and Environmental Geoscience not elsewhere classified
Physical Oceanography
Physical Oceanography
Physical Properties Of Materials
Physical Sciences not elsewhere classified
Physiology not elsewhere classified
Planetary Geology
Planetary Science (excl. Extraterrestrial Geology)
Planetary Science (excl. Solar System And Planetary Geology)
Planning And Decision Making
Plant Biology
Plant Biology not elsewhere classified
Plant Biology not elsewhere classified
Plant Pathology
Plant Pathology
Plant Physiology
Plant Physiology
Police Administration
Policy And Administration
Policy And Administration not elsewhere classified
Policy and Administration not elsewhere classified
Political Economy And Social Change
Political Science
Political Science not elsewhere classified
Political Science not elsewhere classified
Political Theory and Political Philosophy
Political Theory And Political Philosophy
Pollination Biology And Systems
Pollution And Contamination
Polymers And Plastics
Polymers and Plastics
Population Ecology
Population Ecology
Population Geography
Population Trends And Policies
Population, Ecological and Evolutionary Genetics
Post Harvest Horticultural Technologies (incl. Transportation and Storage)
Post Harvest Horticultural Technologies (incl. Transportation And Storage)
Postcolonial Studies
Postcolonial Studies
Power and Energy Systems Engineering (excl. Renewable Power)
Preventative Health Care
Preventive Medicine
Pricing (incl. Consumer Value Estimation)
Primary Education
Primary Education (excl. Maori)
Primary Health Care
Primary Health Care
Print Culture
Privacy And Data Rights
Private Law And Civil Obligations
Private Law And Civil Obligations not elsewhere classified
Probability Theory
Procedural Content Generation
Professional Education And Training
Programming Languages
Project Management
Proteomics And Metabolomics
Psychiatry (incl. Psychotherapy)
Psychiatry (incl. Psychotherapy)
Psychological Methodology
Psychological Methodology, Design and Analysis
Psychology and Cognitive Sciences not elsewhere classified
Psychology not elsewhere classified
Psychology Of Ageing
Public Administration
Public Economics - Public Choice
Public Economics - Publicly Provided Goods
Public Economics - Taxation And Revenue
Public Economics-Public Choice
Public Health
Public Health and Health Services not elsewhere classified
Public Health not elsewhere classified
Public Health Nutrition
Public International Law
Public Law
Public Law not elsewhere classified
Public Participation And Community Engagement
Public Policy
Public Policy
Public Sector Organisation And Management
Public Transport
Quality Management
Quantitative Genetics (incl. Disease and Trait Mapping Genetics)
Quantity Surveying
Quantum Physics
Race/Ethnicity And Crime
Radio Frequency Engineering
Reaction Engineering (excl. Nuclear Reactions)
Real Estate And Valuation Services
Real Estate and Valuation Services
Receptors And Membrane Biology
Receptors and Membrane Biology
Recommender Systems
Regional Analysis and Development
Regional Analysis And Development
Rehabilitation and Therapy (excl. Physiotherapy)
Rehabilitation Engineering
Reinforcement Learning
Religion and Religious Studies not elsewhere classified
Religion Curriculum And Pedagogy
Religious Studies
Religious Studies not elsewhere classified
Renewable Power and Energy Systems Engineering (excl. Solar Cells)
Reproductive Medicine
Reproductive Medicine not elsewhere classified
Requirements Engineering
Research, Science and Technology Policy
Resources Engineering And Extractive Metallurgy
Rural And Regional Geography
Rural And Remote Health Services
Rural Community Development
Rural Sociology
Rural Sociology
Satellite Communications
Satellite-Based Positioning
Science, Technology and Engineering Curriculum and Pedagogy
Screen And Digital Media
Screen And Digital Media not elsewhere classified
Screen and Media Culture
Screen And Media Culture
Screen Media
Secondary Education
Secondary Education
Semi- And Unsupervised Learning
Sensory Processes
Sensory Systems
Separation Technologies
Serious Games
Service Marketing
Service Oriented Computing
Ship And Platform Structures (incl. Maritime Hydrodynamics)
Signal Processing
Signal Processing
Signal Transduction
Simulation and Modelling
Small Business Management
Small Business Organisation And Management
Social and Community Psychology
Social and Cultural Anthropology
Social And Cultural Anthropology
Social and Cultural Geography
Social And Personality Psychology
Social And Personality Psychology not elsewhere classified
Social Change
Social Change
Social Determinants Of Health
Social Epidemiology
Social Geography
Social Marketing
Social Policy
Social Program Evaluation
Social Program Evaluation
Social Psychology
Social Robotics
Social Theory
Social Theory
Social Work
Social Work not elsewhere classified
Social Work not elsewhere classified
Socio-Economic Development
Sociological Methodology And Research Methods
Sociological Methodology and Research Methods
Sociological Studies Of Crime
Sociology And Social Studies Of Science And Technology
Sociology not elsewhere classified
Sociology not elsewhere classified
Sociology Of Culture
Sociology of Education
Sociology Of Education
Sociology Of Family And Relationships
Sociology Of Gender
Sociology Of Health
Sociology Of Inequalities
Sociology Of Migration
Sociology Of Religion
Sociology Of The Life Course
Soft Condensed Matter
Soft Condensed Matter
Software And Application Security
Software Engineering
Software Engineering
Software Engineering not elsewhere classified
Software Quality
Soil Biology
Soil Biology
Soil Chemistry And Soil Carbon Sequestration (excl. Carbon Sequestration Science)
Soil Physics
Soil Physics
Soil Sciences
Soil Sciences not elsewhere classified
Soil Sciences not elsewhere classified
Solar Physics
Solar System Planetary Science (excl. Planetary Geology)
Solid Mechanics
Solid Mechanics
Solid Tumours
Sound And Music Computing
Space and Solar Physics
Space Instrumentation
Space Sciences
Space Sciences not elsewhere classified
Spatial Data And Applications
Special Education and Disability
Special Education And Disability
Specialist Studies In Education
Specialist Studies In Education not elsewhere classified
Specialist Studies in Education not elsewhere classified
Speech Pathology
Speech Production
Speech Recognition
Sport And Exercise Nutrition
Sport and Exercise Psychology
Sport And Exercise Psychology
Sports Medicine
Sports Medicine
Sports Science And Exercise
Sports Science And Exercise not elsewhere classified
Stakeholder Engagement
Statistical And Quantitative Genetics
Statistical Theory
Statistics not elsewhere classified
Statistics not elsewhere classified
Stellar Astronomy and Planetary Systems
Stellar Astronomy And Planetary Systems
Stochastic Analysis And Modelling
Stochastic Analysis and Modelling
Stream And Sensor Data
Structural Dynamics
Structural Engineering
Structural Engineering
Structural Geology And Tectonics
Structural Properties Of Condensed Matter
Structure And Dynamics Of Materials
Studies in Creative Arts and Writing not elsewhere classified
Studies In Eastern Religious Traditions
Studies in Human Society not elsewhere classified
Studies of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Society
Studies Of Men And Masculinities
Stylistics And Textual Analysis
Stylistics and Textual Analysis
Sub-Acute Care
Sub-Saharan African History
Surface Processes
Surface Properties Of Condensed Matter
Surface Water Hydrology
Surface Water Quality Processes And Contaminated Sediment Assessment
Surfaces and Structural Properties of Condensed Matter
Surfacewater Hydrology
Surveying (incl. Hydrographic Surveying)
Sustainability Accounting And Reporting
Sustainability Accounting and Reporting
Sustainable Agricultural Development
Sustainable Agricultural Development
System And Network Security
Systems Engineering
Systems Physiology
Taxation Accounting
Te Hauora Me Te Oranga O Te Maori (Maori Health And Wellbeing)
Teacher And Student Wellbeing
Teacher Education And Professional Development Of Educators
Teacher Education and Professional Development of Educators
Technical, Further and Workplace Education
Technology Management
Technology not elsewhere classified
Terrestrial Ecology
Terrestrial Ecology
Textile Technology
Textile Technology
Theoretical And Applied Mechanics
Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
Theoretical And Computational Chemistry
Theory and Design of Materials
Time Series And Spatial Modelling
Time-Series Analysis
Tort Law
Tourism Economics
Tourism Management
Tourism Marketing
Tourism not elsewhere classified
Tourism not elsewhere classified
Tourist Behaviour And Visitor Experience
Toxicology (incl. Clinical Toxicology)
Transgender Studies
Transnational History
Transport Economics
Transport Engineering
Transport Engineering
Transport Geography
Transport Planning
Transport Planning
Turbulent Flows
Urban Analysis And Development
Urban And Regional Economics
Urban And Regional Planning
Urban And Regional Planning not elsewhere classified
Urban and Regional Planning not elsewhere classified
Urban Community Development
Urban Geography
Urban Informatics
Urban Planning And Health
Urban Policy
Urban Sociology And Community Studies
Vertebrate Biology
Vertebrate Biology
Veterinary Medicine
Veterinary Medicine (excl. Urology)
Veterinary Microbiology (excl. Virology)
Veterinary Parasitology
Veterinary Parasitology
Veterinary Pathology
Veterinary Sciences
Video Processing
Virtual And Mixed Reality
Vision Science
Visual Arts
Visual Arts and Crafts not elsewhere classified
Visual Arts not elsewhere classified
Visual Cultures
Visual Cultures
Visual Effects
Vocational Education And Training Curriculum And Pedagogy
Vocational Education and Training Curriculum and Pedagogy
Waste Management
Wastewater Treatment Processes
Wastewater Treatment Processes
Water Quality Engineering
Water Resources Engineering
Water Resources Engineering
Water Treatment Processes
Water Treatment Processes
Wearable Materials
Wildlife And Habitat Management
Wildlife and Habitat Management
Wireless Communication Systems And Technologies (incl. Microwave And Millimetrewave)
Wireless Communications
Womens Studies (incl. Girls Studies)
Work Integrated Learning (incl. Internships)
Workforce Planning
Workplace Wellbeing And Quality Of Working Life
Young Adult Literature
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